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How this incredible entrepreneur manage to make a major impact while reaching business success and a very high influential status?

“I looked for an executive position. Because I’d never been an executive director of a non-profit organization, no one would hire me. So I created my own nonprofit and made myself an executive director.” Deborah Levine is the founder/editor of the American Diversity Report  and the award-winning author of 14 books. Named by Forbes Magazine…

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Nirmal Purja makes history by climbing all 14 peaks above 8,000 meters in 190 days

Entrepreneurship & climbing mountains (2nd part): 3 stories by 3 very successful entrepreneurs that you would love to read
Many successful entrepreneurs climb mountains, while others use mountains as a metaphor to describe what is necessary to conquer the peak – including the fatiguing yet rewarding journey to the top. Still, other entrepreneurs use mountains as an analogy for a significant goal they wish to achieve – such as becoming a billion-dollar-market-cap company. (See Paul Baterby’s mountain story.)

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