Ep. 001 – How to use social media to find your perfect Customer with Kate Erickson

Kate Erickson Show Notes
Kate Erickson is a creator, engager and implementer, over at EOFire, a 7 days a week podcast that interviews today’s most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs.
She is also the host of Kate’s Take, the EOFire audio blog and the Author of the FirePath, Beginners guide to growing your online business.
Kate is passionate about helping entrepreneurs in create freedom in their business and life thru developing systems and processes that can help their business scale and grow.
Most passionate about
- Kate and John Lee Dumas from EOFire just launched in a Kickstarter campaign, The Mastery Journal –Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days, they started to send the first copies to their campaign backers.
The next step
- Working on a new platform for the Podcasters’ Paradise community, the biggest community for podcasters today
Podcasters’ Paradise – the #1 podcasting community that helps you create, monetize and grow your podcast! From John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire.
EOFire customers
- EOFire’s perfect customer (avatar) is a mid-age male at a corporate job spending most of his time doing things he doesn’t really love to do
Kate’s best advice about approaching the customer
- You need to do things that DO NOT SCALE. Mainly speaking with a lot of your customers. That’s the only way to understand who your perfect customer is
Biggest failure with a customer
- Kate takes us back to her days as account manager in marketing and advertising agency, standing between the agency and a very angry customer. This case actually helped her understand this wasn’t the place she wanted to be in, and therefore joined John Lee Dumas at EOFire.
Biggest success due to the right customer approach
- The Freedom Journal’s community. John Lee Dumas and Kate had a great success launching The Freedom Journal – a guide to help people accomplish their number one goal in 100 days. The Freedom Journal community is a platform for likeminded people that come together, help support one another provide feedback to one another and help each other accomplish their goal.
- Kate talks about the importance to listen to your customers. This community for her is the place to get a clear picture of what they customers need and want
Freedom Journal – The Freedom Journal is a stunning, hardcover Journal that will guide you in the accomplishment of your #1 goal in 100 days.
Recommendation of a tool for customer focus, marketing or sales?
- InfusionSoft – automate your small business sales and marketing, while combining your CRM, email marketing, lead capture and e-commerce in one place.
The Fire Path: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Your Online Business
A person who impact Kate’s “customer focus” success
- Pat Flynn – Smat Passive Income – Learn how to build an online business using smart passive income.
The best way to connect with Kate
To reach Kate, Go to EOFire.com and contact Team Fire!
More resources for Entrepreneurs
- Don’t Miss – Customer Focus Strategy & Execution: Market Analysis for Fundraising
- Hayut Yogev’s Latest post: The three free, most practical steps to researching and locating your market
Thank you so much for inviting me on the show! I’m honored to be your first guest and I hope the listeners will take a lot of great lessons away from our chat 🙂